Moll Wendén has been legal advisor to Sysco AS which through subscription of new shares have acquired a majority of the shares in Upsala Systemkonsult, UPSYS AB, a high-technology IT consultant company focusing on, inter alia, building high-performance system solutions and Big Data and Internet of Things.
Upsala Systemkonsult, UPSYS AB is located in Stockholm and Uppsala and employs over 20 IT consultants helping the company’s customers with everything from system development and project management in large projects, to education and development of specific products. The acquisition is of major importance to Sysco AS as it further strengthens the company’s position on the Swedish market and provides a good foundation for further expansion in the Nordic region. Sysco AS conducted the acquisition through its Swedish subsidiary, Syscose AB.
Moll Wendén’s team consisted of the lawyers Mikael Karlsson (responsible partner) and Lina Andréasson and the associate Noah Köllerstedt.