
Practice area

Dispute resolution

27 April 2009 · News

Rörvik Timber wins stormy case

During a few hours in January 2005 more than 60 millon square meter forest fell in the south part of Sweden due to the storm Gudrun. This corresponds to several yerars of annual felling for the land owners.

Soon after the storm a subsidiary company to the listed company Rörvik Timber came to an agreement with several subcontractors regarding cutting of trees that fell during the storm. A subcontractor from the north part of Sweden sued Rörvik Timber, claiming damages for the amount of 10 million SEK, alleging breach of contract.

On April 27, 2009 the Eksjö District Court announced its verdict in the case. According to the District Court, Rörvik Timber was not liable to pay damages to the subcontractor, and the subcontractor’s claim was consequently dismissed.

The verdict is of principal interest as a number of similar cases currently are handled by the Swedish courts.

Rörvik Timber was advised by Stefan Wendén.