
Capital Market and Public M&A

The main function of the capital market is to improve the efficiency of transactions by providing a marketplace where companies and investors can meet, for example in connection with IPOs or share issues. The capital market is strictly regulated in order to protect investors. Moll Wendén offers advice on securities market law to listed companies, shareholders and other parties involved in the securities market.

Legal advice regarding raising capital, corporate governance and restructuring

As specialists in capital markets and securities market law, we assist companies with IPOs and share issues in order to make it possible for the company to raise capital. We help with project management for raising capital from start to finish and our advice includes both strategic and structural issues. 

We have specialist expertise in matters related to raising capital, capital market transactions, IPOs and public M&A. In addition, we have extensive experience in advising on corporate governance, incentive schemes, mergers, restructuring, and disclosure issues such as insider trading and flagging. 

We offer broad business law expertise since our work covers all types of securities market transactions and company law issues. For transactions that require specialists in other areas, we assemble a team to cover areas such as real estate law and employment law. We continuously monitor issues involving the market, good practice and legislation, and are up to date on the latest market trends. 

We help management and owners

We work with the management or owners of companies that are already listed or planning a listing. In the area of securities market law, we assist Swedish and foreign listed companies, private equity companies and venture capital companies, as well as other parties in transactions. 

In addition, we also work with unlisted both Swedish and international companies that are seeking advice and guidance on their capital market or securities market law questions. 

Our advice includes questions related to:

  • Initial public offerings
  • Issues and other capital procurement
  • Incentive schemes 
  • Corporate governance, execution of general meetings, composition of boards of directors, and redemption and buy-back schemes 
  • Company law
  • Insider rules and MAR 
  • Information questions
  • Public takeover bids (takeover rules)
  • Restructurings
  • Good practice on the securities market 

We offer broad business law expertise and advice on everything from IPOs and public takeover bids on the securities market to capital procurements and restructurings.