Or solved through compromise.
Moll Wendén specialises in business law. We bring together a wide range of experts who share a commitment to each client’s business and industry as well as to their own areas of expertise. With access to multiple perspectives and experiences, we can take into account the vital aspects of the industry, the world at large and trends. This allows us to get to the essence of each matter efficiently and deliver with precision. We can do this whether that means negotiating to find the best solution or drafting contracts that create security and good transactions.
Collaboration through structure and culture
Identifying the right solution in a complex world sometimes requires expertise from multiple business areas as well as specific industry know-how. We are convinced that our access to multiple perspectives and extra quality review takes us forward faster, in greater depth and more cost-effectively. This is why we have made sure that we have created both a culture and a formal structure that promote collaboration within the firm.
We apply a true partnership model so that all employees benefit from our shared success. This makes each matter a shared responsibility. We know it pays off, both in terms of our development as a firm and workplace, and for our clients.
The natural collaborative culture often makes us confident to be proactively involved in the client’s transaction. As a result, together we can identify and avoid costly challenges in time and seize opportunities as they arise.
Broad expertise
We currently have approximately 40 employees working in 15 business areas. These range from employment law, company law and public procurement, to construction law, real estate law and dispute resolution. Each business area is run by experienced and well-established lawyers who know their field. They have experience from different sectors and often from different roles. This helps us quickly understand the client’s situation and allows us to quickly familiarise ourselves with the challenges of each matter. If additional industry know-how is needed, we can easily supplement the team to the extent necessary in order to cost-effectively deliver the best results.
From a bigger world – in Malmö
Our roots are international. Moll Wendén was founded in 2003, when the employees took over the Malmö operations of Linklaters, one of the world’s largest law firms at the time. Today we still work with many international clients and have a large international network with leading law firms all over the world.
Our culture and our values
We have a holistic perspective – when we combine our expertise based on our specialist areas, we create the most value for our clients. We are well-versed in relevant areas of the law and take a solution-oriented approach to our work.
Team spirit
We get involved in issues involving the entire firm, regardless of level, and invite each other to participate in different contexts. We do things together. We help each other and encourage knowledge development.
We are open to learning new things and we have the courage to admit when there is something we don’t know or when we are mistaken. We know that everyone has been new to something at some point. This means that we are also open to teaching others what we know ourselves and to explaining in a way that the listener can understand. At our firm, every employee plays an important role. We get involved in areas and issues that are important for the development of the community around us.
Our history
For many years, our employees worked for the law firm Lagerlöf & Leman. At Lagerlöf & Leman, the trend towards an increasingly international business and transaction landscape was recognised early on. This led to close cooperation with a number of leading European law firms with operations around the world. Several years later, international ambitions culminated in a merger with the English law firm Linklaters, one of the largest law firms in the world.
Moll Wendén Advokatbyrå was formed in 2003 through the take over of Linklater’s operations in Malmö and, since then, we have multiplied our turnover and number of employees. Growth has occurred both organically and through lateral recruitment of partners and employees in interesting specialist areas.